

SARS-CoV-2 Early Warning Detection & Protection Solutions

Research and Development

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Ongoing Pathogenic Virus Challenges

  • Virus Particle Transmission

Virion-Ctrl™ is a solution for both detection and protection to slow the transmission of pathogenic virus particles.  It involves the early warning detection of asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic carriers of SARS-CoV-2 and coronavirus active virions. Globally deployed RT-PCR testing is ineffective as it measures RNA, not the S1 spike protein, several days late in the infection cycle, presenting false negatives, false positives and re-positives. Thermal testing is also ineffective as asymptomatics and pre-symptomatics are afebrile. Therefore, relying solely on these testing methods amplifies the risk of continued outbreaks.

  • Present Protection Limitations

PPE N95 respiratory masks, widely used by healthcare workers, have a filtration efficiency of 95% at removing particles of 0.30 μm diameter. This provides only partial protection against the SARS-CoV-2 virion having a diameter of 0.05 to 0.20 μm. HVAC systems are also only partially effective in filtering out submicron virions where non-active filtering with the necessary porosity would substantially disrupt airflow.

  • Future Vaccine and Point-of-Care Testing Considerations

There is a substantial research objective on all inhabited continents to develop an effective vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 that provides a longer lasting immune response and able to protect against emerging variants.

It is essential that present Point-of-Care testing methods  using 15 minute Lateral Flow Test strips be upgraded to digital in order to provide rapid  viral load data to the CDC, WHO and reporting agencies managing clustermaps.

Our Virion-Ctrl Entry Management System is an advanced antigen/epitope testing method using saliva samples on inexpensive electrochemical test strips. Wireless communication is performed in less than 60 seconds with pertinent data including quantitative viral load.

Research Objectives

  • Design and test cloud-connected early warning active virion detection systems for travel terminals, mobile handheld and HVAC industry.

  • Develop laboratory test fixtures to alter the SARS-CoV-2 protein spike and determine infectivity, intially utilizing surrogate bio-safe active virions.

  • Design and test active PPE respirator filter upgrades from developed components compatible with existing face-shield respirator masks.

  • Design and test HVAC active filter upgrades, customizable to existing form factor specifications.

Prepare to … Weather the Storm

COVID-19 has taken a significant toll on the global economy and mental health in general. While  2020 was unprecedented with emerging variants such as Delta, Omicron although more transmissible, seemed to provide a less lethal and natural immunity. The potential magnitude for asymptomatic bioaerosol transmission has yet to be accurately determined. The need to explore solutions to combat these continuing pathogens is greater than ever.


Estimated G20 fiscal support as % of 2019 GDP*


Peak Pandemic Global Workforce Disruption**


% of COVID-19 Asymptomatic Active Virion Carriers***


Increase In US Chapter 11 Filings 2019-2020****


*Ctr.for Strategic & Intl. Studies **International Labor Organization ***World Health Organization ****CBS MarketWatch

A paradigm shift in testing is paramount in order to slow the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and future pathogens
Present gold-standard RT-PCR virus testing is effective for an individual’s health in a diagnostic clinic setting but does not provide an effective  solution for point-of-care testing “
John Larsen, Founder, CTO

Strategic Partnerships

We are currently exploring strategic partnerships with companies adding complementary skills to expedite research & development of our new proprietary point-of-care response solution. Please contact us about how your organization would like to advance the Virion-Ctrl™ platform.

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